Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Antichrist Confirms End Times Peace Treaty
Written Circa B.C. 553

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“Secretary of State John Kerry is in Jordan to talk peace agreement”

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“Keep Looking Up”

“Gary is joined by Steve Quayle.”

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About Prophecy In The News
For over 30 years, Prophecy in the News has been at the cutting edge of Premillennial prophetic interpretation. Gary Stearman brings thoughtful and relevant Bible exposition, plus an exciting line-up of contemporary guest scholars and authors.


Our God And Country Commentator
“America...Bless God, Again”

“A six person jury found George Zimmerman not guilty in defiance of the King in the White House.”

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» Tea Teams USA

About Bill
Bill grew up in the Colorado Rockies and had a successful career in law enforcement, serving as both a Deputy Sheriff and a Deputy U.S. Marshal. He is a graduate of the Colorado Law enforcement Academy, the Federal Law Enforcement Academy and the U.S. Marshal’s Academy. Prior to law enforcement Bill served with the U.S. Marines as a Corpsman. » Full Bio

Wild Bill’s Mission
“To support and encourage the Tea Party and other conservative Americans because they are the people who will guard America’s freedom and heritage, ensuring that the United States will continue to be the greatest nation in history.”

“To promote Biblical values and remind American’s of the importance of faith in God, His Son, Jesus Christ and His written Word, as our ultimate guide to all of life.”

“To speak out boldly on the most important issues of our time, with just the right amount of humor and satire to keep it interesting.”

“To keep America as one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all”


Christian Information Radio

Host: Gordon Morris
The Crosstalk Radio Talk Show is heard each weekday on over 90 radio outlets across America and worldwide on the Internet. Crosstalk covers the issues that affect our world, our nation, our families and the Christian church from a perspective centered in the Word of God. Whether we discuss the economy, the political scene, the continuing moral collapse of our nation, legislation that affects the family, or the state of evangelicalism, our authority is found in the unchanging standard of the Holy Scriptures. Veteran co-hosts Dr. Vic Eliason and Jim Schneider have worked as a team for over 20 years to bring solid information to the body of Christ.

Guest: » Jimmy DeYoung, Prophecy Today

Air Date: July 16, 2013

Show Description:
Dr. Jimmy DeYoung is a student of Bible prophecy who studies prophecies and then looks at world events to discover how they line up with the prophetic timetable. He lived in Israel for some 20 years, with full journalist credentials, and thus was able to interview many leaders in that country. He returns to Israel regularly, and still meets with political and Jewish religious leaders to get the pulse of what is taking place, and what Israelis hope will take place.

In his message delivered at the VCY America Rally on November 5, 2011, Jimmy gave an overview of the book of Revelation, and then applied it to world events in the past and the present.

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You've read the news. Now understand it.

Israel doesn’t have the luxury of treating its red lines the way Obama has treated the one he set for Syria’s use of chemical weapons

Noah Beck, Israel Today — President Obama's Middle East policy has been an ever-worsening train wreck because it lacks credibility and strategy, as Egypt, Libya, and particularly Syria, have shown. And the region is about to get much worse, unless Obama exercises resolute leadership on the most important global security issue of this generation: Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons.

In a commerce-critical region where “might makes right” and only the strong survive, Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons could have catastrophic consequences for the Middle East and beyond. The resulting dangers potentially include: (i) nuclear proliferation, as other Mideast countries feel threatened into pursuing their own nuclear programs; (ii) the transfer of nuclear materials from Iran – the world's chief sponsor of terrorism – to terrorist organizations and/or rogue states; (iii) bolder attacks by Iranian terror proxies (Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, etc.) protected by Iran’s nuclear umbrella; and (iv) an even more belligerent Iran that flexes its nuclear arsenal to: export its radical Islamic ideology, acquire disputed territories and resources from neighboring countries, and/or undertake actions like blocking the Strait of Hormuz to increase the price of oil.

As Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, recently told CBS News’s Face the Nation, the Islamic Republic is now dangerously close to a nuclear capability. Because Iran has stockpiled about 190 pounds of 20% enriched uranium, Iran is just 60 kilograms – potentially just weeks – short of crossing the nuclear “red line” that Netanyahu set in his speech before the UN last September.

Unfortunately, Obama has signaled no urgency over Iranian nukes. Perhaps he hopes for a negotiated settlement to the issue, now that Hassan Rouhani, a so-called “moderate,” was elected to assume Iran’s presidency next month. But hope is not a strategy with the Iranian regime. Rouhani has been linked to the 1994 terrorist bombing of an Argentine Jewish community center that killed 85 people, and has boasted about how he manipulated nuclear talks with the West about a decade ago to expand Iran’s nuclear program. More importantly, Iran's foreign policy is set by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has banned concessions to the West. Indeed, Fereydoun Abbasi-Davani, the head of Iran’s atomic energy agency, made it clear last Friday that Rouhani's election will have no impact on Iran's nuclear enrichment activities.

Obama must also recognize that the sanctions against Iran have demonstrably failed. The Islamic Republic has skillfully outmaneuvered them, as shown in a leaked U.N. report detailing 11 instances of Iran violating sanctions, including attempts to acquire materials for its atomic program. Reuters published an expose outlining how Iran exploits sanctions loopholes to import ore from Germany and France that could be used for making armor and missiles. More importantly, the Iranian nuclear weapons program has never once stopped because of sanctions. The only time that Iran ever suspended its nuclear program was after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, when Iran briefly feared that a U.S. attack was imminent.

Obama's Iran policy has thus far failed to produce any credible deterrent. It's time for Obama to build on the lead of Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird, who warned last month that Iran only has only a few months to demonstrate to the West that it is serious about a negotiated solution to the standoff.

Israel doesn't have the luxury of treating its red lines the way Obama has treated the one he set for Syria's use of chemical weapons; that means that the volatile Middle East of today could become far more engulfed in war and instability. Netanyahu's latest message may be the canary in the coalmine giving its final warning, so Obama should provide bold leadership on this critical issue before it's too late. New Jersey-sized Israel survives only by the strength of the military force that it projects. Critical to that deterrent is making good on its threats, as Israel did with its destruction of the Iraqi and Syrian nuclear programs, in 1981 and 2007, respectively, and its ongoing surgical airstrikes to prevent Syria from transferring game-changing weapons to Hezbollah.

Given such exploits, isolationists might wonder why the U.S. should bother; let Israel bear all of the costs and risks of eliminating the Iranian nuclear threat for us, goes the thinking. But the nuclear program in Iran is far more dispersed, hardened, and distant than what Israel neutralized in Iraq and Syria. Iranian nukes are truly vulnerable only to U.S. military capabilities. Expecting Israel to do the job is like a heavyweight-boxing champion asking his featherweight friend to defend him against the approaching middleweight champion. Such cowardly tactics needlessly endanger the featherweight ally, but – more importantly – there is a good chance that the middleweight won't be fully neutralized and will feel far more emboldened to attack the heavyweight after he concludes (alongside the rest of the world) that the heavyweight is just a paper tiger.

Iran can already attack U.S. interests across the Middle East and Europe. And as early as 2015, Iran could develop and test ballistic missiles that could strike the continental U.S., according to a Pentagon report released last week ("2013 Ballistic and Cruise Missile Threat Assessment"). Obama can wait for the U.S. to be drawn into war with a nuclear-armed Iran, or he can proactively address the threat before Iran acquires nukes. But he cannot hide from the threat or hope it away. Obama must lead – before Iran’s nuclear recalcitrance forces Israel's hand, with potentially apocalyptic consequences. » Full Article

» Israel Today

About the Author
Noah Beck is the author of The Last Israelis, an apocalyptic novel about Iranian nukes and current geopolitical issues in the Middle East.

Other Breaking News Items On Israel Today

» Netanyahu To Iran: We Will Attack If Necessary
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned in an interview with American media on Sunday that Israel will attack Iran's nuclear facilities in the very near future if such action is deemed necessary.

» Jews Barred From Temple Mount As They Mourn Its Destruction
Jews around the world and particularly in Israel on Tuesday marked the solemn fast of Tisha B'Av, the annual commemoration of the destruction of the Temple and numerous other tragedies to befall the Jewish people.

» A Messianic Perspective On Tisha B'Av
Tisha B’Av is the lowest point of a three week period of mourning. During this time all celebratory occasions are forbidden. It is a time of solemn reflection and mourning for Israel and the many tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people.


1 Girl Already Expelled For
Refusing Constant Radio Monitor

Bob Unruh, WND — A San Antonio, Texas, school district that expelled from a magnet school a sophomore girl who had religious objections to being radio-chipped for tracking and identification purposes now has decided to drop the program.

The Rutherford Institute, which has defended 15-year-old Andrea Hernandez, a Christian, said the decision “is proof that change is possible if Americans care enough to take a stand and make their discontent heard,” said

Constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead, president of Rutherford, said that as Hernandez demonstrated, “the best way to ensure that your government officials hear you is by never giving up, never backing down, and never remaining silent – even when things seem hopeless.”

The program had allowed school officials to track students’ location on school property at all times.

According to school officials, the decision to stop the Student Locator Project was due in part to low participation rates, negative publicity and the Rutherford Institute’s lawsuit.

Hernandez was a sophomore at John Jay High School’s Science and Engineering Academy when she raised religious objections to the radio chip. She was expelled from the magnet school in January.

Both Andrea and her father, Steven Hernandez, testified they believed the electronic system was a sign of the antichrist described in the New Testament book of Revelation.

The Rutherford Institute said the question of whether Hernandez will be permitted to return to John Jay has yet to be resolved.

School officials declined multiple requests from WND for comment.

The Northside Independent School District launched the program last year
in an effort to increase public funding for the district by increasing student attendance rates.

Under the rules imposed by the district, about 4,200 students at Jay High School and Jones Middle School were required to wear “SmartID” card badges embedded with an RFID tracking chip.

The plan had been to spread the program to all 112 schools in the district eventually.

But Hernandez said the badge poses a significant religious freedom concern in addition to obvious privacy issues.

Her requests to opt out of the program, or use a chipless badge, were rejected.

The school required the radio identifier for students to access services such as the cafeteria and library.

A judge ultimately said in an opinion that Hernandez’ objections were not “grounded in her religious beliefs.”

But Whitehead noted the Supreme Court has made clear government officials are not allowed to question the validity of an individual’s religious beliefs.

Both Andrea and her father, Steven Hernandez, testified they believed the electronic system was a sign of the antichrist described in the New Testament book of Revelation. » Full Article

» Bob Unruh | Article Archive

About the Author
Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after nearly three decades with the Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest newspapers, where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists. He is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used commercially.

Other Breaking News Items On WND

» Citizens To Compete With Illegals For Financial Aid?
Senate immigration bill grants litany of public benefits

» Obama's Race-Baiting On Trayvon 'Political Tactic'
Part of Democrat plan 'to destroy the Republican Party'

» Potential Black Juror Ousted For Watching Fox News
George Zimmerman haters throughout the media have carped and whined about the fact that there weren’t any African-Americans on the jury despite the law requiring the accused NOT the victim be judged by his peers.


Family-Friendly Television Productions

“Barack Obama's 'Justice' Department has ignored the constitutionally binding innocent jury verdict and is attempting have George Zimmerman tried again. Never mind that this is putting the U.S. Constitution through the paper shredder. Never mind that this is blatantly DOUBLE JEOPARDY. What matters is that in the eyes of Eric Holder, George Zimmerman is among the most dangerous men. Why? Because he's a LEGAL Hispanic U.S. citizen!

Ah, had George Zimmerman been an 'innocent persecuted poor undocumented citizen,' he'd have all sorts of superior rights. You see, the real issue here is that George Zimmerman is a law abiding LEGAL HISPANIC U.S. citizen! That makes him one dangerous dude who needs to be CRUSHED by the jaws of the new Obama-Holder U.S.S.A.

When will Congress wake up and get the smarts to oust Holder before he does any more damage to our country and to its legal citizens?”

Rush Limbaugh: We Are In The Midst Of A Coup

Rush is Calling Obama's Tele-Snooping a Coup

“Now it's official. The main stream media is reporting that our phone calls and email are no longer private. And Rush Limbaugh, host of the most popular radio program in the country, and a certified member of Obama's enemy's list, used this strong political language Friday afternoon:

"What everybody knows and what nobody wants to come to grips with is we are in the midst of a coup taking place."

For those of you in Rio Linda, California, as Rush would say, a coup or coup d'état is "a sudden and decisive action in politics, especially one resulting in a change of government illegally or by force."

El Rushbo cited how information gathering was used to target supporters of Mitt Romney leading up to the 2012 election. He said, "This is clearly an administration that wants to identify its enemies and then take action against them ... take them out, whatever."

Now a caller Friday brought up an interesting point. Even with massive data collection and Russia's warnings about the Boston Marathon bombing suspects, the government took no action against them in advance. Rush proclaims Obama's real motive for all the snooping is the elimination of opposition.

So how do we stop this coup? According to Rush, ""Conservatives need to take control of the Republican Party. That's what needs to happen. There isn't going to be any impeachment."

And that's the official word from the man who does his show with half his brain tied behind his back, just to make it fair.”

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It’s All About Overruling States Rights,
Curbing Self-Defense & Gun Control

Attorney General Eric Holder speaks at the Delta Sigma Thetas Social Action luncheon, part of the sorority’s 51st National Convention in Washington, Monday, July 15, 2013. Credit: AP

Jason Howerton, TheBlaze/AP — (Orlando, Florida) Attorney General Eric Holder on Tuesday strongly criticized stand-your-ground laws that allow a person who believes he is in danger to use deadly force in self-defense.

Holder said he was concerned about the case of Trayvon Martin, in which George Zimmermann was acquitted of second-degree murder and manslaughter charges, and said the Justice Department has an open investigation into what happened.

But he added: “Separate and apart from the case that has drawn the nation’s attention, it’s time to question laws that senselessly expand the concept of self-defense and sow dangerous conflict in our neighborhoods.”

In an address to an NAACP convention, Holder said it’s time to question laws that “senselessly expand the concept of self-defense.”

The attorney general said the country must take a hard look at laws that contribute to “more violence than they prevent.”

Such laws “try to fix something that was never broken,” he said.

Florida is among the states that have stand-your-ground laws, and the issue played a role in the prosecution of Zimmerman, whose acquittal has spurred calls for the U.S. Justice Department to file criminal civil rights charges against the former neighborhood watch volunteer.

Legal experts say a federal case would be a difficult challenge, with prosecutors having to prove that Zimmerman was motivated by racial animosity to kill Martin, who was 17 when he was shot during the fight with Zimmerman in February 2012.

The DOJ has also set up a public email account and is asking for tips to help build a federal case against Zimmerman. The department is asking civil rights groups and community leaders to “actively refer anyone who [has] any information” that could prove Zimmerman is guilty of civil rights violations or a hate crime.

On Monday, Holder had called the killing a “tragic, unnecessary shooting death” and urged the nation to speak honestly about complicated and emotionally charged issues.

On Tuesday, Holder temporarily shifted away from the Martin case to one of those issues – the debate over the stand-your-ground laws.

“There has always been a legal defense for using deadly force if – and the ‘if’ is important – no safe retreat is available,” Holder told the NAACP.

“But we must examine laws that take this further by eliminating the common sense and age-old requirement that people who feel threatened have a duty to retreat, outside their home, if they can do so safely,” he said.

In his comments referencing the Zimmerman case, Holder offered a story from his own personal experience – describing how when he was a young black man his father had told him how to interact with the police, what to say and how to conduct himself if he was ever stopped or confronted in a way he thought was unwarranted.

“I’m sure my father felt certain – at the time – that my parents’ generation would be the last that had to worry about such things for their children,” Holder told the NAACP convention. “Trayvon’s death last spring caused me to sit down to have a conversation with my own 15-year-old son, like my dad did with me. This was a father-son tradition I hoped would not need to be handed down.” » Full Article

» TheBlaze
» Jason Howerton | Article Archive

Other Breaking News Items On TheBlaze

» Dana Loesch Eviscerates Zimmerman Protesters Who Have Said Nothing for Victims in ‘Utopian Dream’ of Chicago
Conservative radio host Dana Loesch delivered a fiery monologue while guest hosting the Glenn Beck Program Tuesday, decrying those who are protesting on behalf of Trayvon Martin for not demonstrating the same outrage at the unbelievable violence gripping Chicago.

» DOJ Sets Up Public Email Address to Take in Tips as It ‘Aggressively’ Pursues Zimmerman Civil Rights Investigation

» Fired Employee to Slap Zimmerman Prosecutors With Whistleblower Lawsuit
Withholding evidence from the defense?


George Washington
First President of the United States (1789-1797)
Father of the United States of America,
President of the Constitutional Convention
General of the Revolutionary Army

On ‘Immigration & Assimilation’

George Washington (February 22, 1732 – December 14, 1799) was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, serving as the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. He also presided over the convention that drafted the Constitution, which replaced the Articles of Confederation. The Constitution established the position of President of the United States, which Washington was the first to hold. » Full Bio

» See All 'Quotable Quotes'

This Day In History 237 Years Ago
American Revolution
July 17, 1776

Congress Learns of War of Words

On this day in 1776, the Continental Congress learns of General George Washington's refusal to accept a dispatch from British General William Howe and his brother, Admiral Richard Viscount Howe, opening peace negotiations, because it failed to use the title "general." In response, Congress proclaimed that the commander in chief acted "with a dignity becoming his station," and directed all American commanders to receive only letters addressed to them "in the characters they respectively sustain."

The Howe brothers had assembled the largest European force ever to land in the Americas on Staten Island, New York, while Congress was voting their approval of the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in early July 1776. The commander in chief of the Continental Army, General George Washington, had spent the spring of 1776 moving his 19,000 men from Boston to New York, where they would confront 30,000 under the charge of the Howe brothers. » Full Article

Significant Events This Day In History
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