Tuesday, February 18, 2014


But, coming from a man who is on an epic power grab with his unconstitutional abuse of presidential executive orders, this water grab to feed his desire to golf should come as no surprise.

Jennifer Burke, TPNN Online Editor — Barack Obama traveled to California over Valentine’s Day weekend for a ‘boys’ outing’. As typical, this trip with the boys included golfing at some of California’s most prestigious golf courses. Prior to his golfing days, he took some time to speak in Fresno, CA about the importance of ‘shared sacrifice’, code words for communism, in order to battle the state’s ‘worst water shortage in decades’. As Americans have come to expect, this lecture by Obama was followed by hypocrisy demonstrating that the rules and expectations that he speaks about simply do not apply to him. The clear evidence of his hypocrisy can be seen in his travel schedule. After his speech condemning the over usage of water, he traveled to Palm Springs for his weekend of fun at water guzzling golf courses.

Obama played three rounds of golf on two exclusive courses in this area. Golf courses in this area, including the ones where Obama played, are the biggest water guzzlers in that desert section of California accounting for 17% of all water used.

Time Magazine’s Swampland section details the blatant hypocrisy by Obama, who they dub as the ‘duffer-in-chief’.
Vacationing with DVDs of his favorite television shows and multiple golf outings with his buddies, the duffer in chief played at two of the most exclusive courses in the Palm Springs area. On Saturday, Obama played at the Sunnylands estate, built by the late billionaire Walter Annenberg, which features a nine-hole course that is played like 18 holes. The following day he golfed at billionaire Oracle founder Larry Ellison’s 19-hole Porcupine Creek. On Presidents’ Day, Obama hit the links at Sunnylands once again.

The 124 golf courses in the Coachella Valley consume roughly 17% of all water there, and one-quarter of the water pumped out of the region’s at-risk groundwater aquifer, according to the Coachella Valley Water District. Statewide, roughly 1% of water goes to keep golf courses green. Each of the 124 Coachella Valley courses, on average, uses nearly 1 million gallons (3.8 million L) a day because of the hot and dry climate, three to four times more water per day than the average American golf course.
Perhaps Obama should heed his own words and put what he preaches into practice. In his lecture on water usage to the people of California, his tone deafness is startling.
“It can’t just be a matter of there’s going to be less and less water so I’m going to grab more and more of a shrinking share of water,” Obama said on Friday in Los Banos. “Instead what we have to do is all come together and figure out how we all are going to make sure that agricultural needs, urban needs, industrial needs, environmental and conservation concerns are all addressed.”
But, coming from a man who is on an epic power grab with his unconstitutional abuse of presidential executive orders, this water grab to feed his desire to golf should come as no surprise. His actions are a clear indication that the fear-mongering and calling for ‘shared sacrifice’ to conserve water are words. Just words. Just speeches. Nothing will stop him from moving forward with his agenda to play golf, not even a drought, one, incidentally, caused in large part by California regulations. » Full Article

[Read more at Time.]

About The Post Author, Jennifer Burke
Jennifer Burke became politically active for the first time at the Porkulus Tea Party in Seattle in February 2009. She was a speaker at the Seattle Tax Day Tea Party at Westlake Center on April 15, 2010, was featured in a popular Tea Party video, Proud to be a Teabagger, that has gone viral on YouTube and many top conservative blogs, and was a speaker at the WA 4 WI rally in support of Scott Walker.

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