Saturday, January 4, 2014



“Keep Looking Up”

The Prophecy Summit at Branson
—The Final Prophecies Are Here—

“From The Prophecy Summit at Branson, Gary Stearman gives his presentation on time.”

About Prophecy In The News
For over 30 years, Prophecy in the News has been at the cutting edge of Premillennial prophetic interpretation. Gary Stearman brings thoughtful and relevant Bible exposition, plus an exciting line-up of contemporary guest scholars and authors.

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Examining Current Events
In The Light Of God’s Prophetic Word

Today we’re going to have David James who travels all over the world teaching God’s Word look back with us at 2013 and then into the future of 2014 talking about the Post-modern Prophetic Paradigm

Host: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung
Dr. Jimmy DeYoung resided in Jerusalem for 18 years where he held full credentials as a journalist in the second most populated journalistic city in the world. Arriving there just 3 days prior to the Gulf Crisis in 1991, he weathered 39 Scud attacks. Jimmy gave reports nationwide on several networks during the Gulf Crisis. Jimmy is a noted conference speaker in the United States, Europe, and South America, and he devotes several months out of each year to this conference schedule.

This “Daily Update” Aired: January 3, 2014
Jimmy: Let's talk about a phrase, the phrase is a Post-modern Prophetic Paradigm. Talk to us. Explain what that means.

Dave James: Some guys who are doing what I would call some pseudo-science, pseudo-history, pseudo Biblical studies and they're combining a number of things and the reason it's called Pos-modern is Post-modernism itself is a philosophy that really doesn't have a lot of objective meaning to it and your supposed truth you can arrive at can come from many different sources, combine that with the prophetic scenario and it starts getting really confusing.

Jimmy: Well, over the last couple of years would you not agree that a lot of people have been going to fictional novels to come up with their doctrine on Bible prophecy and is that a threat, using fiction to try to understand the future?

Dave James: The way I describe it is when you're talking about fiction in the Christian realm you're either talking about fictional theology which is obviously heresy by definition or you're talking about theological fiction which means that they're simply using fiction as a vehicle to communicate what they believe is theological truth.

Jimmy: The Body of Christ and individuals in churches are seemingly not willing or ready to study Bible prophecy or to study the Word of God, that should be a goal for all of us in this coming new year should it not?

Dave James: Yes, it sure should. Eschatology and the study of prophecy is a litmus test of how you approach the entire Bible and the conclusions you come to concerning prophecy, last things eschatology, those conclusions are based upon your approach to the Scriptures, how you interpret them and if there are problems in that specific area then it's going to point to problems in many ways in which you handle the Word of God.

Jimmy’s Prophetic Prospective on the News

Let me remind you that David can only forecast into the future based upon his thoughts from his research and his experience in the area of teaching God's Word and David would agree that God's Word is the only absolute in the area of Bible prophecy. May I suggest a couple of prophetic passages with a focus on the issues that we discussed with David James?

First of all, that Post-modern Prophetic Paradigm was talked about when Jesus said in Matthew 24:11 to be aware of false teachers. The rise of false teachers and false doctrine is going to be a scenario that plays out in the last days according to God's Word, I Timothy 4:1-2 when they will be teaching the doctrines of demons. Timothy got the exhortation from Paul to study God's Word, II Timothy 2:15, because all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable, II Timothy 3:15.

Let me remind you, God's Word is the absolute as we look into the future. » Full Article

Air Date: December 28, 2013
Jimmy’s guests this week include Ken Timmerman, Dave Dolan, Dr. Rob Congdon, Itamar Marcus, Rabbi Yoel Keren, Dave James, Mike Gendron.

Middle East Update and More...
90-minutes of information that will be essential for your understanding of what is happening in our world. Current events and Geo-political activities that are seemingly setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Not to be missed!

About Prophecy Today
Prophecy Today is a media organization with a global outreach, educating the Body of Christ of the future events foretold in God’s prophetic Word. Our goal is to equip Christians with the knowledge and understanding of what God’s Word says will happen someday soon, so that they can be prepared, pure, and productive in the light of the imminent Rapture of the Church.
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The God Of Abraham, Issac, And Jacob Regarding Israel
And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. ~ Genesis 12:3


“Faith Cometh By Hearing”

Series: ‘America IS in Bible Prophecy’
A Must Hear For Every American - This Will Wake You Up!

In Case You Missed It: Part 1 of 3 in This Series
» Series ‘America IS in Bible Prophecy’: False Prophets Of Modern Babylon

Description: America The Babylon — Part 1 (Part 2 of 3 in Series)
American Christians MUST wake up. American Christianity’s view of America itself must change. This two-part message explains how and why, what was once our beloved America, that once WAS the land of the free and home of the brave, that once truly was America the Beautiful, on whom God certainly did shed His grace, has, to the shame and sorrow of those of us who love what she used to be, now FALLEN; and “is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird” (Rev. 18:2); and HAS BECOME the final Babylon prophesied in scripture, particularly in Revelation 18 and Jeremiah 50-51. The message also explains why we believe there is no political solution to America’s ills, and that the only hope for America is the literal return of Christ.

Alternate Audio Option:
» America The Babylon Part I |

Description: America The Babylon — Part 2 (Part 3 of 3 in Series)
This is Part II of our message explaining why American Christians MUST wake up, and why American Christianity’s view of America itself must change. This two-part message explains how and why, what was once our beloved America, that once WAS the land of the free and home of the brave, that once truly was America the Beautiful, on whom God certainly did shed His grace, has, to the shame and sorrow of those of us who love what she used to be, now FALLEN; and “is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird” (Rev. 18:2); and HAS BECOME the final Babylon prophesied in scripture, particularly in Revelation 18 and Jeremiah 50-51. The message also explains why we believe there is no political solution to America’s ills, and that the only hope for America is the literal return of Christ.

After laying out four brief arguments from scripture and from history as to why we conclude that America IS the final Babylon, the message then suggests what God’s people dwelling in Babylon today should do about it. The message is a follow-up to and goes hand in hand with the previous message, False Prophets of Modern Babylon, which we also recommend you listen to as well.

Alternate Audio Option:
» America The Babylon Part II |

Teaching Scriptures:
» Jeremiah 50-51, Revelation 18 (King James Version)

About Pastor Sam Adams:
Pastor Sam Adams was saved by the Lord Jesus Christ on March 30, 1987. He has been married to the ‘wife of his youth’ since 1980 and they together have five children. He has been a licensed Architect since 1986, having received his B.A. in Architecture from Iowa State University in 1982. » Full Bio

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The Big Fat Jimmy Z Show
“Hated By The 'Left' For All The 'Right' Reasons”

Show Highlights

Updated song parody 'Homosexual Things' (Extended Lyrics)
Dick Morris: What we've accomplished; keeping pressure on Obama
Obama adminstration pleads with Supreme Court on contraception
More on the Antartic morons: Global Warming causes more sea ice
What if Leave It To Beaver's Miss Landers taught kids that way
Girl Scouts suggest Texas' Wendy Davis as 'Woman of the Year'
Swearing in Bill DeBlasio: A festival of lies and corruption
New Mayor of NY City to ban Central Park horse drawn carriages
Best of Jimmy Z Show 2013 - The Year in Review continues
Candy Crowley, Ben Carson, Angry Michelle and an Angry Atheist

The Jimmy Z Show™ YouTube Channel

Gay Marriage in Utah: Obama’s Act of War
Against The People of Utah - Jimmy Z

Forget Duck Dynasty, that wasn't a government smack down, but what's happening in Utah is. I recorded this just before news came out that Phil Robertson is back on the Duckster show on A&E - Like I told you he would be. Forget Duck Dynasty for now. There's an all out war against the people going on in Utah.

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Informing and Equipping Americans
Who Love Freedom

Benghazi Bimbo, “What Difference Does it Make”
Hillary Rodham Clinton, Is Using The NSA
To Punish Her Enemies

Kris Zane, The Western Center For Journalism — Barack Obama has created a massive surveillance state, sicking his attack dog the NSA to spy on everyday Americans—presumably to use this information to punish his enemies.

And who will more than likely get the keys to the kingdom if the radical (that is, socialist) Democrats get their way? The Radical-in-Chief Barack Obama’s kindred spirit: Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Except it looks like Hillary Clinton is already using the NSA to punish her enemies.

Enter Clinton’s massive State Department sex scandals—including her alleged paramour, Muslim Brotherhood double agent Huma Abedin—and you have a perfect job for NSA spooks: disappearing emails, lawyers’ offices being broken into to steal documents exposing Clinton’s sex scandals—including charges of pedophilia—just to mention a few of the sexual peccadilloes being shoved down the memory hole more than likely with the help of the NSA.

Watch Western Center for Journalism’s exclusive video to find out how the Benghazi Bimbo, “What Difference Does it Make” Hillary Rodham Clinton, is using the NSA to punish her enemies. » Full Article

Hillary In 2016? Be Afraid America...
Be Very Afraid

“Produced, written, and edited by Kris Zane. Narrated by Tom Hinchey.”

» The Western Center For Journalism
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» Kris Zane | Article Archive

Other Headline News On WCJ

» Far-Left Filmmaker Calls ObamaCare “Awful”
Barack Obama’s deeply troubled healthcare law has increasingly attracted the ire of not only his political foes but, even more damning, his ideological allies.

» DHS Aiding Human Smugglers
This practice by DHS will spark encouragement for more immigrants to smuggle their children across the border.

» 90-Year-Old Man Defends Self With Gun
WATCH: A 90-year-old business owner in Dayton, Ohio defended himself from a robber with a gun.


Dedicated To The Defense Of
Civil Liberties And Human Rights

“Those Who Cannot Remember The Past
Are Condemned To Repeat It”
—George Santayana, The Life of Reason, Vol. 1

John Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute — In Harold Ramis’ classic 1993 comedy Groundhog Day, TV weatherman Phil Connors (played by Bill Murray) is forced to live the same day over and over again until he not only gains some insight into his life but changes his priorities. Similarly, as I illustrate in my book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, we in the emerging American police state find ourselves reliving the same set of circumstances over and over again—egregious surveillance, strip searches, police shootings of unarmed citizens, government spying, the criminalization of lawful activities, warmongering, etc.—although with far fewer moments of comic hilarity.

What remains to be seen is whether 2014 will bring more of the same or whether “we the people” will wake up from our somnambulant states. Indeed, when it comes to civil liberties and freedom, 2013 was far from a banner year. The following is just a sampling of what we can look forward to repeating if we don’t find some way to push back against the menace of an overreaching, aggressive, invasive, militarized government and restore our freedoms.

Government Spying
It’s hard to understand how anyone could be surprised by the news that the National Security Agency has been systematically collecting information on all telephone calls placed in the United States, and yet the news media have treated it as a complete revelation. Nevertheless, such outlandish government spying been going on domestically since the 1970s, when Senator Frank Church (D-Ida.), who served as the chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence that investigated the NSA’s breaches, warned the public against allowing the government to overstep its authority in the name of national security. Church recognized that such surveillance powers “at any time could be turned around on the American people, and no American would have any privacy left, such is the capability to monitor everything: telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn’t matter. There would be no place to hide.” Recent reports indicate that the NSA, in conjunction with the CIA and FBI, has actually gone so far as to intercept laptop computers ordered online in order to install spyware on them.

Militarized Police
With almost 13,000 agencies in all 50 states and four U.S. territories participating in a military “recycling” program, community police forces across the country continue to be transformed into outposts of the military, with police agencies acquiring military-grade hardware—tanks, weaponry, and other equipment designed for the battlefield—in droves. Keep in mind that once acquired, this military equipment, which is beyond the budget and scope of most communities, finds itself put to all manner of uses by local law enforcement agencies under the rationale that “if we have it, we might as well use it”—the same rationale, by the way, used with deadly results to justify assigning SWAT teams to carry out routine law enforcement work such as delivering a warrant.

Police Shootings Of Unarmed Citizens
Owing in large part to the militarization of local law enforcement agencies, not a week goes by without more reports of hair-raising incidents by police imbued with a take-no-prisoners attitude and a battlefield approach to the communities in which they serve. Sadly, it is no longer unusual to hear about incidents in which police shoot unarmed individuals first and ask questions later, such as the 16-year-old teenager who skipped school only to be shot by police after they mistook him for a fleeing burglar. Then there was the unarmed black man in Texas “who was pursued and shot in the back of the neck by Austin Police… after failing to properly identify himself and leaving the scene of an unrelated incident.” And who could forget the 19-year-old Seattle woman who was accidentally shot in the leg by police after she refused to show her hands? The lesson to be learned: this is what happens when you take a young man (or woman), raise him on a diet of violence, hype him up on the power of the gun in his holster and the superiority of his uniform, render him woefully ignorant of how to handle a situation without resorting to violence, train him well in military tactics but allow him to be illiterate about the Constitution, and never stress to him that he is to be a peacemaker and a peacekeeper, respectful of and subservient to the taxpayers, who are in fact his masters and employers.

The Erosion Of Private Property
If the government can tell you what you can and cannot do within the privacy of your home, whether it relates to what you eat or what you smoke, you no longer have any rights whatsoever within your home. If government officials can fine and arrest you for growing vegetables in your front yard, praying with friends in your living room, installing solar panels on your roof, and raising chickens in your backyard, you’re no longer the owner of your property. If school officials can punish your children for what they do or say while at home or in your care, your children are not your own—they are the property of the state. If government agents can invade your home, break down your doors, kill your dog, damage your furnishings and terrorize your family, your property is no longer private and secure—it belongs to the government. Likewise, if police can forcefully draw your blood, strip search you, and probe you intimately, your body is no longer your own, either. This is what a world without the Fourth Amendment looks like, where the lines between private and public property have been so blurred that private property is reduced to little more than something the government can use to control, manipulate and harass you to suit its own purposes, and you the homeowner and citizen have been reduced to little more than a tenant or serf in bondage to an inflexible landlord.

Strip Searches And
The Loss Of Bodily Integrity
The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was intended to protect the citizenry from being subjected to “unreasonable searches and seizures” by government agents. While the literal purpose of the amendment is to protect our property and our bodies from unwarranted government intrusion, the moral intention behind it is to protect our human dignity. Unfortunately, court rulings undermining the Fourth Amendment and justifying invasive strip searches have left us powerless against police empowered to forcefully draw our blood, strip search us, and probe us intimately. For example, during a routine traffic stop, Leila Tarantino was allegedly subjected to two roadside strip searches in plain view of passing traffic, while her two children—ages 1 and 4—waited inside her car. During the second strip search, presumably in an effort to ferret out drugs, a female officer “forcibly removed” a tampon from Tarantino. No contraband or anything illegal was found.

Invasion Of The Drones
As corporations and government agencies alike prepare for their part in the coming drone invasion—it is expected that at least 30,000 drones will occupy U.S. airspace by 2020, ushering in a $30 billion per year industry—it won’t be long before Americans discover first-hand that drones—unmanned aerial vehicles—come in all shapes and sizes, from nano-sized drones as small as a grain of sand that can do everything from conducting surveillance to detonating explosive charges, to middle-sized copter drones that can deliver pizzas to massive “hunter/killer” Predator warships that unleash firepower from on high. Police in California have already begun using Qube drones, which are capable of hovering for 40 minutes at heights of about 400 ft. to conduct surveillance on targets as far as 1 kilometer away. Michael Downing, the LAPD deputy chief for counter-terrorism and special operations, envisions drones being flown over large-scale media events such as the Oscars, using them to surveil political protests, and flying them through buildings to track criminal suspects.

Criminalizing Childish Behavior
It wouldn’t be a week in America without another slew of children being punished for childish behavior under the regime of zero tolerance which plagues our nation’s schools. Some of the most egregious: the 9-year-old boy suspended for allegedly pointing a toy at a classmate and saying “bang, bang”; two 6-year-old students in Maryland suspended for using their fingers as imaginary guns in a schoolyard game of cops and robbers; the ten-year-old Pennsylvania boy suspended for shooting an imaginary “arrow” at a fellow classmate, using nothing more than his hands and his imagination; the six-year-old Colorado boy suspended and accused of sexual harassment for kissing the hand of a girl in his class whom he had a crush on; and the two seventh graders in Virginia suspended for the rest of the school year for playing with airsoft guns in their own yard before school.

Common Core
There are several methods for controlling a population. You can intimidate the citizenry into obedience through force, relying on military strength and weaponry such as SWAT team raids, militarized police, and a vast array of lethal and nonlethal weapons. You can manipulate them into marching in lockstep with your dictates through the use of propaganda and carefully timed fear tactics about threats to their safety, whether through the phantom menace of terrorist attacks or shooting sprees by solitary gunmen. Or you can indoctrinate them into compliance from an early age through the schools, discouraging them from thinking for themselves while rewarding them for regurgitating whatever the government, through its so-called educational standards, dictates they should be taught. When viewed in light of the government’s ongoing attempts to amass power at great cost to Americans—in terms of free speech rights, privacy, due process, etc.—the debate over Common Core State Standards, which would transform and nationalize school curriculum from kindergarten through 12th grade, becomes that much more critical. These standards, which were developed through a partnership between big government and corporations and are being rolled out in 45 states and the District of Columbia, will create a generation of test-takers capable of little else, molded and shaped by the federal government and its corporate allies into what it considers to be ideal citizens.

The Corporate Takeover Of America
The corporate buyout of the American political bureaucracy is taking place at every level of government, from the White House all the way to the various governors’ mansions, and even local city councils. With Big Business and Big Government having fused into a corporate state, the president and his state counterparts—the governors, have become little more than CEOs of the Corporate State, which day by day is assuming more government control over our lives. The average American has no access to his or her representatives at any but the lowest level of government, and even then it’s questionable how much really gets through. Never before have average Americans had so little say in the workings of their government and even less access to their so-called representatives. Yet one of the key ingredients in maintaining democratic government is the right of citizens to freely speak their minds to those who represent them. In fact, it is one of the few effective tools we have left to combat government corruption and demand accountability. But now, even that right is being chipped away by laws and court rulings that weaken our ability to speak freely to the politicians who govern us.

James Madison, the father of the Constitution, put it best: “Take alarm,” he warned, “at the first experiment with liberties.” Anyone with even a casual knowledge about current events knows that the first experiment on our freedoms happened long ago. Worse, we have not heeded the warnings of Madison and those like him who understood that if you give the government an inch, they will take a mile. Unfortunately, the government has not only taken a mile, they have taken mile after mile after mile after mile with seemingly no end in sight for their power grabs.

If you’re in the business of making New Year’s resolutions, why not resolve that 2014 will be the year we break the cycle of tyranny and get back on the road to freedom. As I’ve said before, it’s time for a second American revolution. » Full Article

About the Author
John W. Whitehead is an attorney and author who has written, debated and practiced widely in the area of constitutional law and human rights. Whitehead's concern for the persecuted and oppressed led him, in 1982, to establish The Rutherford Institute, a nonprofit civil liberties and human rights organization whose international headquarters are located in Charlottesville, Virginia. Whitehead serves as the Institute’s president and spokesperson, in addition to writing a weekly commentary that is posted on The Rutherford Institute’s website, as well being distributed to several hundred newspapers, and hosting a national public service radio campaign. Whitehead's aggressive, pioneering approach to civil liberties issues has earned him numerous accolades, including the Hungarian Medal of Freedom. » Full Bio

» John Whitehead | Commentaries

About The Rutherford Institute
The Rutherford Institute, a nonprofit civil liberties organization based in Charlottesville, Va., is deeply committed to protecting the constitutional freedoms of every American and the integral human rights of all people through its extensive legal and educational programs. The Institute provides its legal services at no charge to those whose constitutional and human rights have been threatened or violated. » Read More

» The Rutherford Institute

More Commentaries On
The Rutherford Institute

» Licensed to Kill: The Growing Phenomenon of Police Shooting Unarmed Citizens
Here’s a recipe for disaster: Take a young man (or woman), raise him on a diet of violence, hype him up on the power of the gun in his holster and the superiority of his uniform, render him woefully ignorant of how to handle a situation without resorting to violence, train him well in military tactics but allow him to be illiterate about the Constitution, and never stress to him that he is to be a peacemaker and a peacekeeper, respectful of and subservient to the taxpayers, who are in fact his masters and employers.

» America’s New Normal: Mass Surveillance, Secret Courts and Death to Whistleblowers
There is a deep and abiding sense of unease permeating American society. From the IRS targeting politically conservative groups to the Department of Justice targeting journalists for surveillance, from the revelation that the National Security Agency (NSA) is tracking the telephone calls of most Americans to the public spectacle of whistleblower Bradley Manning’s trial, in recent weeks there has been no shortage of evidence that the new “normal” in the United States is not friendly to freedom.

» Common Core: A Lesson Plan for Raising Up Compliant, Non-Thinking Citizens
As I point out in my new book, 'A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State', there are several methods for controlling a population. You can intimidate the citizenry into obedience through force, relying on military strength and weaponry such as SWAT team raids, militarized police, and a vast array of lethal and nonlethal weapons. You can manipulate them into marching in lockstep with your dictates through the use of propaganda and carefully timed fear tactics about threats to their safety, whether through the phantom menace of terrorist attacks or shooting sprees by solitary gunmen. Or you can indoctrinate them into compliance from an early age through the schools, discouraging them from thinking for themselves while rewarding them for regurgitating whatever the government, through its so-called educational standards, dictates they should be taught.


America’s Independent News Network

Former Gun-Control Advocate
Changes Tune In Combating Crime

Drew Zahn, WND — During his 28 years on the police force in Los Angeles, James Craig tended to agree with his state’s tight control over concealed carry permits, believing fewer guns would lead to fewer violent crimes.

But when he moved to Portland, Maine, in 2009 to serve as the city’s new police chief, he discovered a different culture – one where guns actually made people safer.

Now Craig, the chief of police in Detroit, Mich., has a message for the law-abiding folks in his crime-ridden city: Arm yourselves, and criminals will think twice about attacking you.

At a press conference at police headquarters Thursday, the Detroit News reports, Craig praised the deterrent power of a legally armed citizenry.

“When we look at the good community members who have concealed weapons permits,” he said, “the likelihood they’ll shoot is based on a lack of confidence in this Police Department.”

Craig’s statements echoed those he made Dec. 19 on WJR Radio’s “The Paul W. Smith Show”: “There’s a number of [concealed pistol license, or CPL] holders running around the city of Detroit. I think it acts as a deterrent. Good Americans with CPLs translates into crime reduction. I learned that real quick in the state of Maine.”

At the press conference Thursday, Craig described his conversion from gun hater to gun advocate.

“Coming from California, where it takes an act of Congress to get a concealed weapon permit, I got to Maine, where they give out lots of [carrying concealed weapon permits, or CCWs], and I had a stack of CCW permits I was denying; that was my orientation,” he said. “I changed my orientation real quick. Maine is one of the safest places in America. Clearly, suspects knew that good Americans were armed.”

Robyn Thomas, director of the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence in San Francisco, however, criticized Craig’s conclusion.

“I think at its core, his position is an emotional one, based on the idea that people feel safer when they have guns. But studies have shown more guns don’t deter crime,” Thomas told the News. “There’s no research that shows guns make anyone safer, and it does show that, the more guns in any situation, the higher the likelihood of them harming either the owner, or people who have access to them.”

Yet just two months ago, the very research Thomas says doesn’t exist was published in Volume 21, Issue 4, of the prestigious Applied Economic Letters, whose editorial board includes professors from Oxford, Cambridge, Princeton, Yale, Harvard, MIT and more.

According to the study’s abstract, published Nov. 26, 2013, Quinnipiac University’s Mark Gius found that even after adjusting for state- and year-specific trends, passing restrictive concealed weapons laws may actually increase murder rates.

“The purpose of the present study is to determine the effects of state-level assault weapons bans and concealed weapons laws on state-level murder rates. Using data for the period 1980 to 2009,” writes Gius, “the results of the present study suggest that states with restrictions on the carrying of concealed weapons had higher gun-related murder rates than other states. It was also found that assault weapons bans did not significantly affect murder rates at the state level.

“These results suggest that restrictive concealed weapons laws may cause an increase in gun-related murders at the state level,” Gius concludes. “The results of this study are consistent with some prior research in this area, most notably Lott and Mustard (1997).”

Rick Ector of the Firearm Academy of Detroit, which teaches gun safety classes, told the Detroit News Craig’s comments are unusual for a police official.

“It’s a huge, radical departure for the police chief to say good people should have access to firearms,” said Ector. “I’m not ready to say he’s pro-gun just yet, but it’s vastly different from what police chiefs have said in the past.”

The News further reports, “Although Craig said more responsible gun owners would likely lower crime, in the past he also has called for a ban on assault weapons, regulating high-capacity magazines, tighter restrictions on Internet ammunition sales and more stringent background checks for merchants who sell firearms at gun shows.”

Craig has also spoken up on the controversial practice of “stop and frisk,” advocating its use and claiming it’s not racist – as some critics charge – when the city is 85 percent black. » Full Article

About the Author
Drew Zahn is a former pastor who cut his editing teeth as a member of the award-winning staff of Leadership, Christianity Today's professional journal for church leaders. He is the editor of seven books, including Movie-Based Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching, which sparked his ongoing love affair with film and his weekly WND column, "Popcorn and a (world)view."

» Drew Zahn | Article Archive

Other Headline News On WND


» Fukushima Releases Mysterious Steam Plume
Uncontrolled site being cleaned up by HOMELESS hired to squelch radioactive dangers

With Public Support Vanishing, Obama Has Only One Way Left To Govern


“Friday News Dump” Announcement
Used To Avoid Media Scrutiny

Fred Lucas, TheBlaze — After failing to strengthen background checks on gun buyers through Congress, the Obama administration on Friday announced pending executive action on the matter focused mainly on mental health issues that would allow the government to get around certain privacy laws on the books in order to obtain more information.

The new restrictions would take the form of regulations from the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services. One of the regulations would seek to gain information previously withheld because of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPPA, which protects medical privacy.

“Too many Americans have been severely injured or lost their lives as a result of gun violence,” a White House release said Friday. “While the vast majority of Americans who experience a mental illness are not violent, in some cases when persons with a mental illness do not receive the treatment they need, the result can be tragedies such as homicide or suicide.”

The administration’s Friday post-holiday announcement came while President Barack Obama was still on vacation in Hawaii, in stark contrast to Obama’s first executive actions on guns, which were announced in a White House ceremony. “Friday news dump” announcements have also traditionally been used to try to avoid media scrutiny.

Federal regulations do not require congressional authorization, but must go through a period of public comment and review before being enacted.

The Justice Department regulation would clarify who is prohibited from possessing a firearm under federal law for reasons of mental health. The White House says that terminology in federal law is ambiguous.

Examples given by the Justice Department are the statutory terms “committed to a mental institution” and “adjudicated as a mental defective” to include involuntary inpatient and outpatient commitments, anyone found incompetent to stand trial or not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect, someone lacking mental responsibility or deemed insane, and persons found guilty but mentally ill.

“We are taking an important, commonsense step to clarify the federal firearms regulations, which will strengthen our ability to keep dangerous weapons out of the wrong hands,” Attorney General Eric Holder said in a statement. “This step will provide clear guidance on who is prohibited from possessing firearms under federal law for reasons related to mental health, enabling America’s brave law enforcement and public safety officials to better protect the American people and ensure the safety of our homes and communities.”

The Department of Health and Human Services wants to ensure states are submitting more information on individuals through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS. Thus far, the health privacy laws have gotten in the way, so the HHS wants to “eliminate this barrier by giving certain HIPAA covered entities an express permission to submit to the background check system the limited information necessary to help keep guns out of potentially dangerous hands.”

The Government Accountability Office found in 2012 that 17 states had submitted fewer than 10 records of individuals to the federal background check system who were prohibited from buying guns for mental health reasons.

“There is a strong public safety need for this information to be accessible to the NICS, and some states are currently under-reporting or not reporting certain information to the NICS at all,” Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said in a statement. “This proposed rulemaking is carefully balanced to protect and preserve individuals’ privacy interests, the patient-provider relationship, and the public’s health and safety.”

HHS began looking at the matter last April. The regulation would not prohibit someone seeking help for metal illness from buying a firearm. Further, the White House says, the rule wouldn’t require reporting routine mental health visits.

Last year, the Democrat-controlled Senate rejected a proposal backed by Obama to expand background checks. The legislative push came in response to the December 2012 elementary school massacre in Newtown, Conn. A shooting occurred earlier that year at a movie theater in Colorado. In both of cases, and in others, the accused shooters have had mental health problems. » Full Article

About the Author
Fred Lucas is TheBlaze's White House correspondent. He has more than a decade of political reporting experience and previously reported on the White House for He is the author of "The Right Frequency: The Talk Radio Giants Who Shook Up the Political and Media Establishment" and has written for The Weekly Standard, Townhall, Human Events, The American Spectator and Before coming to Washington, he reported on state capitols in Kentucky and Connecticut. Fred earned an M.S. at Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism and B.A. at Western Kentucky University. Follow him on Twitter @FredVLucas3.

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