Tuesday, June 4, 2013

† DAILY BIBLE VERSE - June 04, 2013

The Antichrist’s 'False Prophet' (World Religious Leader)
Bestows Life Perhaps by Means of Artificial Intelligence and Super Computers?

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» All Linkster Diversions Jigsaw Puzzles

The Technology Is Already Here

Tupac (Dead in '94) Live 2012 Hologram Concert 3D Stereoscopic

Full Performance Here :: WARNING - VULGAR LYRICS


What Is The Bible's End Time Message
For America And The Church?

Part 1

What Should The Church Be Doing To Prepare
Christians For The Lord's Imminent Return?

Part 2

» Lamb & Lion Ministries | Website
» Christ in Prophecy | YouTube



“The Beast shall rise on 6-6-2013 (666); Alex Jones will be in England with the politicians, bank bosses, billionaires, CEO's world leaders of intellects and more.”

» Pastor Begley: Bilderberg Meeting In Watford, England "Beast Is Rising"

» Paul Begley Prophecy
» Pastor Paul Begley | YouTube
» Coming Apocalypse | Blog Talk Radio


Christian Information Radio

Host: Jim Schneider
The Crosstalk Radio Talk Show is heard each weekday on over 90 radio outlets across America and worldwide on the Internet. Crosstalk covers the issues that affect our world, our nation, our families and the Christian church from a perspective centered in the Word of God. Whether we discuss the economy, the political scene, the continuing moral collapse of our nation, legislation that affects the family, or the state of evangelicalism, our authority is found in the unchanging standard of the Holy Scriptures. Veteran co-hosts Dr. Vic Eliason and Jim Schneider have worked as a team for over 20 years to bring solid information to the body of Christ.

Guest: » Tom DeWeese, American Policy Center

Air Date: June 3, 2013

Show Description:
Jim began this edition of Crosstalk with news that the homosexual community has taken a huge blow after Illinois legislators failed to make the state the 13th in the nation to legalize same-sex marriage.

Tom DeWeese, is the president of the American Policy Center. Tom is one of the nation's leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education and American sovereignty and independence.

Agenda 21 is an attempt to control the flow of resources and wealth under the guise of protecting the planet via United Nations centralized control. The U.N. is trying to do this by merging the issues of economy and social equity/social justice with environmental concerns.

Here's how it's been playing out in the U.S.: It began with 50,000 delegates that attended the Earth Summit in Rio De Janeiro in 1992. The attendees were part of non-governmental organizations (NGO's) that are part of the U.N. process. After putting an agenda together they began to work with our bureaucracy in Congress to put legislation and grant programs together. A year later, President Clinton put together an executive order to create the President's Council on Sustainable Development. On that council were people who also had been at the Earth Summit (People from the Sierra Club, Nature Conservancy, World Wildlife Fund, etc.) helping to write legislation and policy that helped make Agenda 21 and sustainable development official U.S. policy. Then through departments like the Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (H.U.D.) and others, they created grant programs that have certain "strings" attached. After that they infiltrated state governments regarding comprehensive development plans and eventually they made their way to local communities.

Whether it's smart meters, conservation easements, what you can do to reverse the effects of Agenda 21...all that and more is discussed on this edition of Crosstalk.

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The Ten Guides, or Commandments
“The Ten Commandments”? ... Really?

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. ~ 2 Corinthians 11:14

The Georgia Guidestones is a large granite monument in Elbert County, Georgia, USA. A message comprising ten guides is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient languages' scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphs.


A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones. Moving clockwise around the structure from due north, these languages are: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian.

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.

3. Unite humanity with a living new language.

4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.

5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

8. Balance personal rights with social duties.

9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.

10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

» The Secret Truth About...The Georgia Guidestones
» Wikipedia: The Georgia Guidestones

Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. ~ Revelation 12:12


News From An Uncompromising Biblical Worldview

Garrett Haley, Christian News Network — (JERUSALEM) Nearly 70 years after their initial discovery, several fragments of the world-famous Dead Sea Scrolls are being sold to the general public.

Even though many are excited that the ancient relics are finally being made available to private collectors, the decision to auction off the scrolls has brought heavy amounts of criticism, controversy and confusion.

The fascinating story of the Dead Sea Scrolls began in 1946, when a young Palestinian shepherd boy happened to discover an ancient cave along the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea. Housed in the cave were dozens of clay jars, each of which contained carefully-preserved scrolls that were later determined to be approximately two thousand years old.

In subsequent years, as the caves were carefully explored and the scroll fragments were tediously analyzed by experts, it was discovered that nearly one-fourth of the ancient texts were Hebrew Old Testament Scriptures. Thus, the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls gave Biblical scholars an unprecedented opportunity to study and document the Old Testament canon.

Due to the sheer significance of the find, rights to the Dead Sea Scrolls have long been a contentious debate, as various parties have bartered for possession of the precious relics. According to an Associated Press report released over the weekend, several of the original scrolls were sold to Iskandil Kando, a Christian cobbler in Bethlehem who died in 1993. Now his son, William Kando, owns the invaluable collection, and—much to the consternation of many Israelis—is now offering to sell some of the scroll fragments.

This isn’t the first time William Kando has attempted to make money off of his family’s scroll collection. According to reports, he was able to successfully sell several artifacts to California-based Asuza Pacific University for $2.5 million in 2009. Additional scrolls have been sold by Kando to Norwegian businessman Martin Schøyen and to the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Texas.

Some have even speculated that a number of the artifacts featured in the Oklahoma-based “Green Collection” may have been bought from Kando, but Kando denies this suggestion. (The Green Collection is owned by the Green family—the evangelical owners of the Hobby Lobby retail chain.)

While business transactions like these have proven to be extremely lucrative for Kando and other ancient artifact dealers who own pieces of the scrolls, the Israeli government is closely monitoring the exchange of Dead Sea Scrolls, watching for any suspicious or illegal activity. They have even conducted at least two raids in the past ten years where questionable activity was observed.

Even though the various owners of the ancient texts claim the costly relics rightfully belong to them, the Israeli government maintains that the Dead Sea Scrolls are cultural property of Israel, and should not be sold to parties outside their country. In fact, the Israeli government has threatened to seize any scrolls that are put on the market.

What do Israeli officials think of Kando’s valuable scroll collection? According to reports, an Israeli anti-looting government official once stated, “As far as I’m concerned, [Kando] can die with those scrolls. The scrolls’ only address is the State of Israel.” » Full Article

» Christian News Network
» Garrett Haley | Article Archive


Bridenstine Questions President's Leadership
“Not Fit To Lead”

Representative Jim Bridenstine (Republican-Oklahoma)

Jason Howerton, TheBlaze — Speaking on the House floor Monday, Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) delivered a brief-yet-scathing review of President Barack Obama and his administration.

In just over a minute, Bridenstine rattled off the lengthy list of scandals and missteps that have occurred under President Obama. The GOP lawmaker said the fact that his administration is spinning out of control proves Obama is “not fit to lead” as commander in chief.

We present his remarks in full:
“The president’s Justice Department sold weapons to narco-terrorists south of our border, who killed one of our finest.

The president’s State Department lied about Benghazi with false information provided by the White House.

The president’s attorney general authorized spying on a Fox News reporter and his family for reporting on a North Korean nuclear test.

The president’s Justice Department confiscated phone records of the Associated Press because they reported on a thwarted terrorist attack.

The president’s Treasury Department uses the IRS to target political opposition.

The president’s Health and Human Services secretary pressures insurance companies she is supposed to regulate to promote ‘Obamacare,’ which is the same law she uses to force citizens to pay for abortion inducing drugs against their religious liberties.”
He then went on to say that the president’s “dishonesty, incompetence, vengefulness and lack of moral compass lead many to suggest that he is not fit to lead.”

“The only problem is that his vice president is equally unfit and even more embarrassing,” Bridenstine concluded. » Full Article

“Congressman Jim Bridenstine's House floor speech from 6-3-2013.”

» TheBlaze
» Jason Howerton | Article Archive

Other Breaking News Items On TheBlaze

» Washington Times Writer: IRS Scandal ‘About to Explode’
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» This Is Transforming the Way People Read the Bible Across the Globe
“I think it would be one of the most historic misses for the church…”


Truth Lives Here

“The Documented Obama Lies:
Broken Campaign Promises And A Distorted Past”

‘They Are Liars’: Beck Says These Then-And-Now Obama Videos Prove It

Erica Ritz, TheBlaze — Those who closely follow current events may often find themselves hearing a politician making a claim, but swearing they heard them say the exact opposite a month, a year, or even a decade ago.

That’s because, many times, they did.

Tuesday night on TheBlaze TV, Glenn Beck aired a segment documenting a number of apparent lies and falsehoods being pushed by the current administration, though he was clear that GOP leaders have done the same.

In the case of health care reform, for instance, President Barack Obama repeatedly promised that families who earn $250,000 a year or less would not see their taxes increases by “one dime” under his plan. But when his lawyers were arguing for the bill in front of the Supreme Court, they said the exact opposite to ensure its passage, arguing that all the new “penalties” are taxes.

“It’s important that you understand the lies that have been told thus far, because they’re only getting worse, and they’re only getting much more dangerous,” Beck warned.

Beck played the following clip, noting that it is 100% “in their own words” in case you want to share it with friends:

“The Documented Obama Lies” Highlights Package

“Up until the recent scandal trifecta currently plaguing the Obama administration the media had just accepted whatever lame excuse Obama offered up. Now, however, the media is starting to figure out just how dishonest this administration really is. Tonight on TV, Glenn chronicled the stunning list of Obama administration lies and distortions – and he and his producers put together this video for you to share with your friends and family.”

Beck argued that the administration has employed a “three-step process” that begins with lies, continues with revising history to fit the desired story, and concludes with smearing anyone who tries to speak out.

“The only way for them to maintain absolute power is for them to always be lying,” Beck said. “To keep this illusion that they can never be wrong, they must silence or attack their opponents who prove them wrong time and time again.”

Beck analyzed the president’s words in more detail on his radio program Monday, from the president’s “early years” to the IRS scandal:

» Full Article With Comments
» Erica Ritz | Article Archive

» GlennBeck.com
» The Glenn Beck Program on TheBlaze Radio
» Glenn Beck Live Radio Player 24/7
» TheBlaze
» TheBlaze TV

The Documented Obama Lies: Full Video Documentaries

Glenn broke down the lies this morning on radio too, spending close to two hours covering a myriad of topics on which the administration has clearly misled the public:

1) » Broken Campaign Promises And Historical Distortions
The Documented Obama Lies: Broken campaign promises and a distorted past

2) » Obamacare
The Documented Obama Lies: Healthcare

3) » Benghazi
The Documented Lies: Benghazi – What difference does it make?

4) » Fast And Furious
The Documented Obama Lies: Fast and Furious

5) » Initimigate: The IRS & AP scandals
The Documented Obama Lies: The Obama administration’s IRS and AP Scandals

Top Comment
Lies break the trust with the people, and speak volumes of the corruption of the soul and mind of Obama. He is a traitor and must be stripped of his office.


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Starring Jodi Miller

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  • Michelle Obama
  • Jay Carney
  • President Obama
  • War on Terror
  • Guantanamo Bay
  • Charles Ramsey
  • Eric Holder
  • Robert Menendez
  • Montana Dog Ate Cash

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Exclusive: Andrea Shea King Reveals Latest Discovery About 'Terror' Targeting

Andrea Shea King, WND — You can thank the Electronic Privacy Information Center for forcing the Department of Homeland Security to release its list of “keywords” that are used to by its agents to monitor you on Twitter, Facebook and other social networking sites.

The list, including phrases, reveals which words you probably want to avoid or else risk being flagged and eyeballed as a possible terrorist or someone who is otherwise posing threats to the United States. Words included such innocuous terms as: “Militia,” “exercise,” “cops,” “national security” and “facility.” Interestingly and of note, “jihad” was not included, nor were the words “Middle East,” “Arab,” “Muslim,” “terrorist” or “pressure cooker.” Perhaps those are on a different DHS red flag list?

The Electronic Privacy Information Center sued to obtain the list, but not before it had filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the documents contained within DHS’ 2011 ‘Analyst’s Desktop Binder,’ which, according to a Forbes report, is “used by workers at their National Operations Center, which instructs workers to identify ‘media reports that reflect adversely on DHS and response activities.’”

Meanwhile, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., in Silicon Valley to meet with Google, eBay and Facebook representatives last week, made his views known on civil liberties, technology and privacy, telling them, “Due process is not someone who’s an elected politician deciding whether [Americans] should die or not.”

Ironically, Al Qaeda’s newest war tactic now includes social media. Call it “digital jihad,” but again, I’m not finding that phrase on the DHS list. Why is that?

As Pamela Geller wrote at her blogsite Atlas Shrugs, “Well, you can’t say we haven’t been warned.”

Quoting from an article that appeared in the May 30 edition of MEMRI, Geller posted that for the first time, the jihadi magazine Inspire was disseminated on Twitter rather than Al-Qaeda affiliated jihadi forums. The English language magazine is produced by Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

From MEMRI: “The first downloadable link was posted on a Twitter account belonging to “Muhammad Al-Shammary,” who said he had received an email with English and Arabic copies of the magazine. Al-Shammary, who uses the handle @muhammad115599 and about whom very little is known, then posted the password needed to unlock the link.”

“Most of the articles in this issue focus on the Boston Marathon bombing,” MEMRI continued. “Inspire’s publishers clearly believe that they deserve credit for providing the perpetrators with the motivation and operational know-how for the attack. More importantly, AQAP uses the current issue to incite Muslims in the West to carry out similar attacks, by emulating the Tsarnaev brothers and the Woolwich attackers. Thus, one prominent feature in the issue is a message from AQAP’s military commander, Qassem Al-Rimi, who warns the American people that such attacks will continue and that their government is unable to stop them.”

But the forums continue to flourish. The Atlantic magazine reports that almost a decade in, “Al-Qaeda’s password-protected online forums continue to remain popular. Government officials in the U.S and elsewhere have spoken out against the message boards, which are used by jihadis to converse and distribute information, saying they serve as a recruiting tool for terrorists and have been used to incite violence against the West. But some U.S. intelligence officials have argued against their removal, saying they rely on them for intelligence gathering.”

Pretty In Pink, Lovely In Lavender

What do you suppose the Drudge Report was conveying by running this photo of President Obama screened in lavender above a headline that read, “Poll: Women still supporting O”? Could I be reading more into it than was intended? After all, Drudge has been known to make editorial statements – some none too subtle – with his choice of photos.

The image ran on May 30 referencing a Quinnipiac Poll labeled: “American Voters 4-1 Want Special Prosecutor for IRS, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; But Fixing Economy Is More Important, Voters Say 3-1″

Where’s Hillary?

Some social networking observers have buzzed that the most discussed political figure in the country, Hillary Clinton, is noticeably missing from Twitter, the online platform “where much of today’s political conversation takes place. … The possible frontrunner for president in 2016 has never tweeted – and the people around her are barely familiar with the medium.”

Rumored to be preparing for a run for the White House in 2016, the former New York senator and secretary of state is nowhere to be found among the blue birds that inhabit the Twittersphere. Not even a peep.

Speaking of the impact social networking has on politics, there were plenty of tweets calling attention to this billboard on the heavily traveled Interstate 75 in Ocala, Fla., home state of Sen. Marco Rubio:

The Masters

If you like art, you’ll love this. The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam is now making it possible for you to download 125,000 high-resolution images of its masterpieces at no cost. The museum’s collection includes Rembrandt, Vermeer, Mondrian and van Gogh, and is making the images available through Rijksstudio, an interactive section on its website.

The museum staff hopes to add 40,000 images a year until the entire collection is available. Museum official said the Rijksmuseum is making the masterpiece images available because “with the Internet, it’s so difficult to control your copyright or use images that we decided we’d rather people use a very good high-resolution image of the ‘Milkmaid’ from the Rijksmuseum rather than using a very bad reproduction.”

The public is encouraged to copy and transform the artworks into T-shirts, stationery, tattoos, plates and other items limited only to your imagination. » Full Article

» Andrea Shea King | Article Archive

About the Author
Andrea Shea King is a talk-radio host who also writes at The Radio Patriot website and is known as Central Florida's "First Lady of Space Coast Conservatism."

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'Sheriff Arpaio wants this in Congress. That's where we intend to take it'


John Adams
Second President of the United States (1797-1801)
Signer of Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights

On Loss of Freedom

John Adams (October 30, 1735 – July 4, 1826) was the second president of the United States (1797–1801), having earlier served as the first vice president of the United States. An American Founding Father, he was a statesman, diplomat, and a leading advocate of American independence from Great Britain. Well educated, he was an Enlightenment political theorist who promoted republicanism and wrote prolifically about his often seminal ideas... » Full Bio

» See All 'Quotable Quotes'

This Day In History 259 Years Ago
June 4, 1754

Lieutenant Colonel George Washington Builds Fort Necessity

The American Revolutionary War

On this day in 1754, during the Seven Years' War, a 22-year-old lieutenant colonel in the Virginia militia named George Washington begins construction of a makeshift Fort Necessity. The fort was built to defend his forces from French soldiers enraged by the murder of Ensign Joseph Coulon de Jumonville while in Washington's custody. One month later, the French, led by Jumonville's half-brother, won Washington's surrender and forced confession to Jumonville's murder.

The Ohio Valley had long been a contested territory among French Canadians, various Indian groups and the British colonies of Pennsylvania and Virginia. When the French began to establish fortifications along the river and refused Virginia's written demand that they depart, Virginia's governor, Robert Dinwiddie, dispatched Washington to complete and defend a Virginian fort at the forks of the Ohio. » Full Article

Significant Events This Day In History
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